3 Best Fat Pig Monologues

Welcome to Opening Monologue, your ultimate source for Fat Pig monologues! We've gathered the most popular ones for you right here.

Fat Pig (Tom)

Fat Pig (Carter)

Category: Play Role: Carter From: Fat Pig

CARTER: All I”m saying is this . . . Do what you want. If you like this girl, then don”t listen to a god – word anybody says, Not one. (Beat) But you”ve got your whole life to be a positive person, okay? To do some good in the community and be a bighearted fellow or whatever. Overlook people”s flaws and plant saplings and s -. But you”re only young once. Handsome and youthful and vibrant. So don”t f – it up, that is all I”m telling you here. Don”t take a complete dump on your one moment in the sun . . . (Beat) Not for somebody like her.More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin

Fat Pig (Tom)

Fat Pig (Carter)

Category: Play Role: Carter From: Fat Pig

CARTER: Dude, I understand. Like, totally. (Beat) I used to walk ahead of her in the mall or, you know, not tell her stuff at school so there wouldn”t be, whatever. My own mom. I mean … I”m fifteen and worried about every little thing, and I”ve got this f – sumo wrestler in a housecoat trailing behind me. That”s about as bad as it can get! I”m not kidding you. And the thing was, I blamed her for it. I mean, it wasn”t like a disease or like some people have, thyroid or that type of deal … she just shoveled shit into her mouth all the time, had a few kids, and, bang, she”s up there at 350, maybe more. It used to seriously piss me off. My dad was always working late … golfing on weekends, and I knew it was because of her. It had to be! How”s he gonna love something that looks like that, get all sexy with her? I”m just a kid at the time, but I can remember thinking that.Yeah, it”s whatever, but … this once, in the grocery store, we”re at Albertsons and we”re pushing four baskets around – you wanna know how humiliating that s – is? – and I”m supposed to be at a game by seven, I”m on JV, and she”s just farting around in the candy isle, picking up bags of “fun size” Snickers and checking out the calories. Yeah. I mean, what is that?! So, I suddenly go off on her, like, this sophomore in high school, but I”m all screaming in her face … “Don”t look at the package, take a look in the mirror, you cow! PUT “EM DOWN!” Holy s -, there”s stock boys – bunch of guys I know, even – are running down the isle. Manager stumbling out of his glass booth there, the works. (Beat) But you know what? She doesn”t say a word about it. Ever. Not about the swearing, the things I called her, nothing. Just this, like, one tear I see … as we”re sitting at a stoplight on the way home. That”s all.I did feel that way, though. Maybe I shouldn”t”ve yelled or . . . but it was true, what I said. You don”t like being fat, there”s a pretty easy remedy, most times. Do-not-jam-so-much-food-in-your-f – gullet. (Beat) It”s not that hard.More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin

Yeah, it”s whatever, but … this once, in the grocery store, we”re at Albertsons and we”re pushing four baskets around – you wanna know how humiliating that s – is? – and I”m supposed to be at a game by seven, I”m on JV, and she”s just farting around in the candy isle, picking up bags of “fun size” Snickers and checking out the calories. Yeah. I mean, what is that?! So, I suddenly go off on her, like, this sophomore in high school, but I”m all screaming in her face … “Don”t look at the package, take a look in the mirror, you cow! PUT “EM DOWN!” Holy s -, there”s stock boys – bunch of guys I know, even – are running down the isle. Manager stumbling out of his glass booth there, the works. (Beat) But you know what? She doesn”t say a word about it. Ever. Not about the swearing, the things I called her, nothing. Just this, like, one tear I see … as we”re sitting at a stoplight on the way home. That”s all.I did feel that way, though. Maybe I shouldn”t”ve yelled or . . . but it was true, what I said. You don”t like being fat, there”s a pretty easy remedy, most times. Do-not-jam-so-much-food-in-your-f – gullet. (Beat) It”s not that hard.More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin

I did feel that way, though. Maybe I shouldn”t”ve yelled or . . . but it was true, what I said. You don”t like being fat, there”s a pretty easy remedy, most times. Do-not-jam-so-much-food-in-your-f – gullet. (Beat) It”s not that hard.More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin

Fat Pig (Tom)

Fat Pig (Tom)

Category: Play Role: Tom From: Fat Pig

TOM: Listen . . . If we were in some other time or a land that nobody else was around on . . . like that island from the movie, the Sinatra film – None but the Brave – then everything might be okay, I wouldn”t be so f – paranoid about what the people around me were saying. Or even thinking. Then it could just be you and me, and that”d be so great. Perfect. But . . . I guess I do care what my peers feel about me. Or how they view my choices, and yes, maybe that makes me not very deep or petty or some other word, hell, I dunno! It”s my Achilles flaw or something. I”m . . .TOM stops for a moment, regrouping.No, I need to . . . if I stop now I”m not gonna be able to . . . finish, so I”m . . . (Beat) Helen . . . things are so tricky, life is. I know now I”m not really deserving of you, of all you have to offer me. I can see that now. I want to be better, to do good and better things and to make a proper sort of decision here, but I . . . I can”t I cannot do it. I mean, I could barely drive here today because of . . . my hands were shaking the whole time. They were. Jumping up and down on the wheel there. And these are all people that I know! That I . . . I”m just not gonna be able to do this, on like, a daily basis. (Starts to cry) God . . . look at me! It”s . . . I”m sorry about this and I wish that I was saying what you wanna hear. I do. That would make me really happy, to please another person right now. I mean, a person that I”m feeling this . . . love for. Yeah, love. But sometimes it just isn”t enough to get around the s – that people heave at you . . . I feel like I”m drowning in it -s – -and I don”t think I can . . . I don”t wanna fight it anymore. I am just not strong enough for that, so I”m gonna lie on my back for a while and float. See if I can keep my head above the surface. (Beat) I guess that”s what I needed to say to you. That I”m not brave. I”m not. I know you want me to be . . . always believed that I can be, but I”m a weak and fearful person, Helen, and I”m not gonna get any better. Not any time soon, at least . . .More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin

TOM stops for a moment, regrouping.No, I need to . . . if I stop now I”m not gonna be able to . . . finish, so I”m . . . (Beat) Helen . . . things are so tricky, life is. I know now I”m not really deserving of you, of all you have to offer me. I can see that now. I want to be better, to do good and better things and to make a proper sort of decision here, but I . . . I can”t I cannot do it. I mean, I could barely drive here today because of . . . my hands were shaking the whole time. They were. Jumping up and down on the wheel there. And these are all people that I know! That I . . . I”m just not gonna be able to do this, on like, a daily basis. (Starts to cry) God . . . look at me! It”s . . . I”m sorry about this and I wish that I was saying what you wanna hear. I do. That would make me really happy, to please another person right now. I mean, a person that I”m feeling this . . . love for. Yeah, love. But sometimes it just isn”t enough to get around the s – that people heave at you . . . I feel like I”m drowning in it -s – -and I don”t think I can . . . I don”t wanna fight it anymore. I am just not strong enough for that, so I”m gonna lie on my back for a while and float. See if I can keep my head above the surface. (Beat) I guess that”s what I needed to say to you. That I”m not brave. I”m not. I know you want me to be . . . always believed that I can be, but I”m a weak and fearful person, Helen, and I”m not gonna get any better. Not any time soon, at least . . .More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin

No, I need to . . . if I stop now I”m not gonna be able to . . . finish, so I”m . . . (Beat) Helen . . . things are so tricky, life is. I know now I”m not really deserving of you, of all you have to offer me. I can see that now. I want to be better, to do good and better things and to make a proper sort of decision here, but I . . . I can”t I cannot do it. I mean, I could barely drive here today because of . . . my hands were shaking the whole time. They were. Jumping up and down on the wheel there. And these are all people that I know! That I . . . I”m just not gonna be able to do this, on like, a daily basis. (Starts to cry) God . . . look at me! It”s . . . I”m sorry about this and I wish that I was saying what you wanna hear. I do. That would make me really happy, to please another person right now. I mean, a person that I”m feeling this . . . love for. Yeah, love. But sometimes it just isn”t enough to get around the s – that people heave at you . . . I feel like I”m drowning in it -s – -and I don”t think I can . . . I don”t wanna fight it anymore. I am just not strong enough for that, so I”m gonna lie on my back for a while and float. See if I can keep my head above the surface. (Beat) I guess that”s what I needed to say to you. That I”m not brave. I”m not. I know you want me to be . . . always believed that I can be, but I”m a weak and fearful person, Helen, and I”m not gonna get any better. Not any time soon, at least . . .More Monologues from “Fat Pig”RelatedShareTweetPin