Alcott (Jessie)

Category: Play Role: Jessie From: Alcott

Jessie says

Why not?! Because you write about me over and over except it’s not me. I’m funnier than that. I’m smarter than that. And then after you dumb me down, you expect me to keep playing this paler version of myself . And then the point of the play is always that you aren’t in love with me. So night after night I have to go in front of an audience and be rejected you in every dumb play you write about me. And like an idiot, I keep coming back for more. I think, “artistic license.” I think, “fiction.” But I’m just lying to myself. You’re obsessed with how in love with me you aren’t. And maybe you don’t even see it. But I’ve seen it in a thousand different moments over the last several years. So I’m just going to quit. I’m not going to be in your play.