2 Best Claire Monologues

Welcome to Opening Monologue, your ultimate source for Claire monologues! We've gathered the most popular ones for you right here.

The Verge (Claire)

Category: Play Role: Claire From: The Verge

Claire says

But our own spirit is not something on the loose. Mine isn’t. It has something to do with what I do. To fly. To be free in air. To look from above on the world of all my days. Be where man has never been! Yes -wouldn’t you think the spirit could get the idea? The earth grows smaller. I am leaving. What are they -running around down there? Why do they run around down there? Houses? Houses are funny lines and down-going slants -houses are vanishing slants. I am alone. Can I breathe this rarer air? Shall I go higher? Shall I go too high? I am loose. I am out. But no; man flew, and returned to earth the man who left it.

The Breakfast Club (Claire)

The Breakfast Club (Claire)

Category: Movie Role: Claire From: The Breakfast Club

CLAIRE: Oh, be honest, Andy… if Brian came walking up to you in the hall on Monday, what would you do? I mean picture this, you”re there with all the sports. I know exactly what you”d do, you”d say hi to him and when he left you”d cut him all up so your friends wouldn”t think you really liked him! “Cause I”m telling the truth, that makes me a b -? (to Bender) Okay, what about you, you hypocrite! Why don”t you take Allison to one of your heavy metal vomit parties? Or take Brian out to the parking lot at lunch to get high? What about Andy? For that matter, what about me? What would your friends say if we were walking down the hall together. They”d laugh their a – off and you”d probably tell them you were doing it with me so they”d forgive you for being seen with me. I hate you!More Monologues from “The Breakfast Club”RelatedShareTweetPin