2 Best Shakespeare in Love Monologues

Welcome to Opening Monologue, your ultimate source for Shakespeare in Love monologues! We've gathered the most popular ones for you right here.

Shakespeare in Love (Valentine)

Shakespeare in Love (Valentine)

Category: Movie Role: Valentine From: Shakespeare in Love

What light is light, if Silvia be not seen? What joy is joy, if Silvia be not by? Unless it be to think that she is by and feed upon the shadow of perfection. …except I be by Silvia in the night, There is no music in the nightingale. Unless I look on Silvia in the day, There is no day for me to look upon

Shakespeare in Love (William Shakespeare)

Shakespeare in Love (William Shakespeare)

Category: Movie Role: William Shakespeare From: Shakespeare in Love

My story starts at sea. A perilous voyage to an unknown land. A shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave. The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save one: a lady whose soul is greater than the ocean, and her spirit, stronger than the sea’s embrace. Not for her a watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story, for she will be my heroine for all time. And her name will be Viola.