4 Best 9 to 5: The Musical Monologues

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9 to 5: The Musical (Violet)

9 to 5: The Musical (Doralee)

Category: Musical Role: Doralee From: 9 to 5: The Musical

DORALEE: What! You”ve been telling everyone I”m sleeping with you! That explains why everyone”s been treating me like a dime store floozy! They all think I”m banging the boss! And you love it, don”t you. It gives you some sort of cheap thrill, like knocking over pencils and picking up papers. I”ve put up with your grabbing and chasing me around the desk, “cause I need this job, but this is the last straw! I”ve got a gun out there in my purse and up to now I”ve been forgiving and forgetting “cause that”s the way I was brought up but I swear, if you say another word about me, I”ll get that gun of mine. And I”ll change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot!More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

9 to 5: The Musical (Violet)

9 to 5: The Musical (Hart)

Category: Musical Role: Hart From: 9 to 5: The Musical

HART: Now this is what I”m talking about. You”re not bad looking for a gal with a little tread worn off her tires. I mean that. Sincerely. Come on, Violet, Franklin Hart knows the value of each girl who has the privilege to serve under him.Now… Let me tell you my philosophy of business, Julie. In a word: Teamwork. Everyone pulling together. It”s a shame, and I have always said this, that you girls don”t have the experience growing up playing football or baseball because that”s where you learn that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If we all work together we can cut the balls off our competition and be sitting pretty on top of the hill.You see that, Violet? That”s the attitude I”m looking for. I”m trying to explain to Jody here… how we”re all a team and right away you”re not there for the handoff! I expect an employee, especially one who wants to be promoted to management, to show a little flexibility and cooperation. You savvy? Now be a good girl and get my coffee. No sugar, just some Skinny “N Sweet.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

Now… Let me tell you my philosophy of business, Julie. In a word: Teamwork. Everyone pulling together. It”s a shame, and I have always said this, that you girls don”t have the experience growing up playing football or baseball because that”s where you learn that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If we all work together we can cut the balls off our competition and be sitting pretty on top of the hill.You see that, Violet? That”s the attitude I”m looking for. I”m trying to explain to Jody here… how we”re all a team and right away you”re not there for the handoff! I expect an employee, especially one who wants to be promoted to management, to show a little flexibility and cooperation. You savvy? Now be a good girl and get my coffee. No sugar, just some Skinny “N Sweet.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

You see that, Violet? That”s the attitude I”m looking for. I”m trying to explain to Jody here… how we”re all a team and right away you”re not there for the handoff! I expect an employee, especially one who wants to be promoted to management, to show a little flexibility and cooperation. You savvy? Now be a good girl and get my coffee. No sugar, just some Skinny “N Sweet.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

9 to 5: The Musical (Violet)

9 to 5: The Musical (Violet)

Category: Musical Role: Violet From: 9 to 5: The Musical

VIOLET: Oh, it”s no use, we might as well come clean; he”s going to get us anyway. But before we get arrested and spend the next thirty years in prison, making pen pals in Nebraska, I want to say a few things: This place was hell until we fixed it.Beat. SHE looks at HART, quietly furious and growing stronger and more certain.We all do the work of keeping things running around here as best we can, Mr. Tinsworthy, not him. He plays golf and drinks scotch and takes the credit. Any why? “Cause he”s “The Guy”.No, you wait a minute! I”ve been waiting my whole life! See – we”re not The Guy. We”re just the “Little Guy”. The little guy doesn”t play golf… he plays catch up. The little guy is late picking the kids up from school because of work – and late getting to work because of the kids. The little guy cooks and coaches ball and balances budgets and squeezes a dollar as far as it can go, and works her ass off, and if that doesn”t qualify her to be heard and seen and respected, well WHAT DOES?And so, yeah, we kidnapped Mr. Hart and threw him in the back of my Buick… We tried to make everything better and now he”s going to get all the credit and we”re gonna get ten to life.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

Beat. SHE looks at HART, quietly furious and growing stronger and more certain.We all do the work of keeping things running around here as best we can, Mr. Tinsworthy, not him. He plays golf and drinks scotch and takes the credit. Any why? “Cause he”s “The Guy”.No, you wait a minute! I”ve been waiting my whole life! See – we”re not The Guy. We”re just the “Little Guy”. The little guy doesn”t play golf… he plays catch up. The little guy is late picking the kids up from school because of work – and late getting to work because of the kids. The little guy cooks and coaches ball and balances budgets and squeezes a dollar as far as it can go, and works her ass off, and if that doesn”t qualify her to be heard and seen and respected, well WHAT DOES?And so, yeah, we kidnapped Mr. Hart and threw him in the back of my Buick… We tried to make everything better and now he”s going to get all the credit and we”re gonna get ten to life.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

We all do the work of keeping things running around here as best we can, Mr. Tinsworthy, not him. He plays golf and drinks scotch and takes the credit. Any why? “Cause he”s “The Guy”.No, you wait a minute! I”ve been waiting my whole life! See – we”re not The Guy. We”re just the “Little Guy”. The little guy doesn”t play golf… he plays catch up. The little guy is late picking the kids up from school because of work – and late getting to work because of the kids. The little guy cooks and coaches ball and balances budgets and squeezes a dollar as far as it can go, and works her ass off, and if that doesn”t qualify her to be heard and seen and respected, well WHAT DOES?And so, yeah, we kidnapped Mr. Hart and threw him in the back of my Buick… We tried to make everything better and now he”s going to get all the credit and we”re gonna get ten to life.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

No, you wait a minute! I”ve been waiting my whole life! See – we”re not The Guy. We”re just the “Little Guy”. The little guy doesn”t play golf… he plays catch up. The little guy is late picking the kids up from school because of work – and late getting to work because of the kids. The little guy cooks and coaches ball and balances budgets and squeezes a dollar as far as it can go, and works her ass off, and if that doesn”t qualify her to be heard and seen and respected, well WHAT DOES?And so, yeah, we kidnapped Mr. Hart and threw him in the back of my Buick… We tried to make everything better and now he”s going to get all the credit and we”re gonna get ten to life.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

And so, yeah, we kidnapped Mr. Hart and threw him in the back of my Buick… We tried to make everything better and now he”s going to get all the credit and we”re gonna get ten to life.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin

9 to 5: The Musical (Violet)

9 to 5: The Musical (Violet)

Category: Musical Role: Violet From: 9 to 5: The Musical

VIOLET: You gave that promotion to Bob Enright instead of me? I trained him for God”s sake! Oh, so it”s the old boys club. I”m going, but before I do, I have one more thing to say. Don”t you ever refer to me as your “girl” again. I am no girl. I am a woman. W-O-M-Y-N! I”m not your wife, your mother or your mistress. I”m your employee and I expect to be treated equally, with a little dignity and a little respect! Oh, come off it, Doralee. Everyone knows you and Mr. Hart are having an affair.More Monologues from “9 to 5″RelatedShareTweetPin