The People (Ed)

Ed says

What’s the matter with us is our friends. Just what would we be going on for? To make a few more people like the dear ones who have just left us? Seems to me we could best serve society not doing that. Precisely what do we do? –aside from getting under the bed in Bronxville. Now and then something particularly rotten is put over and we have a story that gets a rise out of a few people, but– we don’t change anything. T

he People. I looked at them all the way across this continent. Oh, I got so tired looking at them–on farms, in towns, in cities. They’re like toys that you wind up and they’ll run awhile. They don’t want to be expressed. It would topple them over. The longer I looked the more ridiculous it seemed to me that we should be giving our lives to–

(picks up the magazine and reads)

“The People–A Journal of the Social Revolution.” Certainly we’d better cut the sub-title. The social revolution is dead.