The Open Door (Lady Torminster)

Lady Torminster says

If we women had had a hand in the making of the language, how many words there would be to express our feelings towards the men we are fond of! Of course I love Jack. I’m cruel to him sometimes; and there comes a look into his eyes–he has dog’s eyes, you know–a faithful Newfoundland–I am certain that men don’t realise what marriage means to a woman! Dear funeral, am I not a good wife–shall I not remain a good wife, till the end of the chapter? Because there isn’t only Jack–there are Jack’s children. And isn’t it wonderful, when you think of it–here are we two, Jack’s friend and his wife, alone on a desert island–and we have confessed our love for each other, and we are able to discuss it as calmly as though it were rheumatism!