The Bear (Smirnov)

Smirnov says

What can one say to that? Moods! Seven months since her husband died! And do I have to pay the interest or not? I repeat the question, have I to pay the interest or not? Well yes, the husband is dead and all that, the manager is -the devil with him -traveling somewhere. Now tell me, what am I to do? Shall I run away from my creditors in a balloon? Or push my head into a stone wall? If I call on Grusdev he chooses to be “not at home,” Iroschevitch has simply hidden himself, I have quarreled with Kurzin until I came near throwing him out of the window, Masutov is ill and this one in here has -moods! Not one of the crew will pay up! And all because I’ve spoiled them all, because I’m an old whiner, an old dish rag! I’m too tender hearted with them. But you wait! I’ll show you! I permit nobody to play tricks with me, the devil with ’em all! I’ll stay here and not budge from the spot until she pays! Brrr! How angry I am, how terribly angry I am! Every tendon is trembling with anger and I can hardly breathe -ah, I’m even growing ill.

(He calls out)
