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The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

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Mean Girls

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Remember the Titans (Coach Herman Boone)

Remember the Titans (Coach Herman Boone)

Anybody know what this place is? This is Gettysburg. This is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we’re still fighting amongst ourselves today. This green field right here was painted red, bubbling with the blood

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The Picture of Dorian Gray (Dorian Gray)

The Picture of Dorian Gray (Dorian Gray)

This play was good enough for us, Harry. It was Romeo and Juliet. I must admit that I was rather annoyed at the idea of seeing Shakespeare done in such a wretched hole of a place. Still, I felt interested, in a sort of way. At any rate, I determined

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Mean Girls (Regina)

Mean Girls (Gretchen)

GRETCHEN: I mean, if you even knew how mean she really is. You know I”m not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? She told me two years ago that hoop earrings were “her thing” and I wasn”t allowed to wear them anymore. And then my parents got me a pair

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Almost Famous (Jeff Bebe)

Almost Famous (Jeff Bebe)

Some people have a hard time explaining rock ‘n’ roll. I don’t think anyone can really explain rock ‘n’ roll. Maybe Pete Townshend, but that’s okay. Rock ‘n’ roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking… and it’s not about money and popularity. Although, some money would be nice.

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Breaking the Waves (Bess McNeill)

Breaking the Waves (Bess McNeill)

Bess McNeill, for many years you’ve prayed for love, should I take it away from you again, is that what you want? No, no. I’m still grateful for love. What do you want then? I pray for Jan to come home. He will be coming home in ten days. You

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Grinch)

How the Grinch Stole Christmas (The Grinch)

The nerve of those Whos. Inviting me down there – on such short notice! Even if I wanted to go my schedule wouldn’t allow it. 4:00, wallow in self pity; 4:30, stare into the abyss; 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one; 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30, dinner with me – I

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