3 Best William D. Wittliff Monologues

The Perfect Storm (Linda Greenlaw)

The Perfect Storm (Linda Greenlaw)

Category: Movie Role: Linda Greenlaw From: The Perfect Storm

I knew Billy Tyne. I did not know his crew very well. But any man who sailed with him must’ve been the better for it. Robert Shatford, Dale Murphy, Michael Moran, David Sullivan, Alfred Pierre. May you rest easy, long-liners, in fair winds and calm seas. For those of us left behind the vast and unmarked grave which is home to those lost at sea is no consolation. It can’t be visited, there is no headstone on which to rest a bunch of flowers on. The only place we can revisit them is in our hearts, and in our dreams. They say swords-boatsmen suffer from lack of dreams. That’s what begets their courage. Well, we’ll dream for you. Billy and Bobby. And Murph, Bugsy, Sully, and Alfred Pierre. Sleep well and goodnight.

Legends of the Fall (One Stab)

Legends of the Fall (One Stab)

Category: Movie Role: One Stab From: Legends of the Fall

I thought Tristan would never live to be an old man. I was wrong about that. I was wrong about many things. It was those who loved him most who died young. He was a rock they broke themselves against however much he tried to protect them. … I think it was the bear, growling inside him. Making him do bad things. Nothing that Tristan did was truly his own fault. It was the bear.