3 Best Elizabeth Monologues

Welcome to Opening Monologue, your ultimate source for Elizabeth monologues! We've gathered the most popular ones for you right here.

The Parent Trap (Meredith)

The Parent Trap (Elizabeth)

Category: Movie Role: Elizabeth From: The Parent Trap

ELIZABETH: We met on the QE 2. The Queen Elizabeth 2. It”s an ocean liner that sails from London to New York. I was nervous about flying in those days, so was your father. (remembering back) We met our very first night on board the ship, actually. We were seated next to each other at dinner. He”s an American, you know. We kind of hit it off immediately. I knew you were going to ask me all these questions one day. You know this part of your personality reminds me of your father. (looking into Hallie”s eyes) Yes, we saw each other every night, every morning and every hour in between. Then one night, he popped the question, right there in the middle of the Atlantic.More Monologues from “The Parent Trap”RelatedShareTweetPin

The Parent Trap (Meredith)

The Parent Trap (Elizabeth)

Category: Movie Role: Elizabeth From: The Parent Trap

ELIZABETH: Okay you two… How could you do this to me? Let me put this as succinctly as possible. You… (points to Hallie) I mean, (points to Annie) – One of you told me your father knew I was arriving here today… And I”m here to tell you the man I just saw in the elevator had absolutely no idea he and I were on the same planet, let alone in the same hotel. And it was completely and utterly humiliating. I gotta lie down… (flops down on sofa, resting her head on a pillow) The man went completely ashen. Like I was the bloody ghost of Christmas past. (rubs her head) Can one of you get me something cold for my head? Don”t you think I”ve pondered what it was going to be, like to see your father again after all these years? Well, let me tell you, me waving like a mindless idiot while Nick Parker is wrapped in another woman”s arms is not exactly the scenario I had in mind. No sireee… And furthermore and much worse, is the fact that I”ve been lied to by my own children and I”d like to know why. Girls! You were going to tell me why you lied and brought me here without telling your father!?!More Monologues from “The Parent Trap”RelatedShareTweetPin

The Parent Trap (Meredith)

The Parent Trap (Elizabeth)

Category: Movie Role: Elizabeth From: The Parent Trap

ELIZABETH: I can handle seeing Nick Parker after all these years. People see their ex”s all the time, don”t they? Not to worry. I”ll take care of everything. Not-to-worry.I”m sorry, I can”t handle this. I haven”t seen or heard from Nick Parker in over eleven years and suddenly I”m flying halfway across the world to… I”m not mature enough for this. If the man didn”t make me so nuts, I”d still be married to him. We came up with this-arrangement so we”d never have to see each other again. Look at me, Martin, have you ever seen me like this? Don”t answer that. (pacing) What if he doesn”t recognize me? Be honest, Martin, how old do I look? No, don”t answer that either. Hey, what am I worried about? He could be fat or bald. Or both.More Monologues from “The Parent Trap” RelatedShareTweetPin

I”m sorry, I can”t handle this. I haven”t seen or heard from Nick Parker in over eleven years and suddenly I”m flying halfway across the world to… I”m not mature enough for this. If the man didn”t make me so nuts, I”d still be married to him. We came up with this-arrangement so we”d never have to see each other again. Look at me, Martin, have you ever seen me like this? Don”t answer that. (pacing) What if he doesn”t recognize me? Be honest, Martin, how old do I look? No, don”t answer that either. Hey, what am I worried about? He could be fat or bald. Or both.More Monologues from “The Parent Trap” RelatedShareTweetPin
