5 Best Allie Monologues

Welcome to Opening Monologue, your ultimate source for Allie monologues! We've gathered the most popular ones for you right here.

The Notebook (Noah)

The Notebook (Allie)

Category: Movie Role: Allie From: The Notebook

ALLIE: Low class? Don”t you ever call him low class. He may not have any money, but he”s got more class than you and you and all of your stupid society friends put together! It”s not final for me. You can tell me how I have to dress, and what schools and social events I have to attend. (shouting, near tears) But you”re not going to tell me who I have to love! I know. He”s not what you want for me. He doesn”t fit. He doesn”t have any money or status, but I don”t care. Because he has a soul. And I love him from the tips of my toes with everything I have. He makes me prickle.More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin

The Notebook (Noah)

The Notebook (Allie)

Category: Movie Role: Allie From: The Notebook

ALLIE: I love to paint. Most of the time I have all these thoughts bouncing around my brain and no place to put them. But when I paint, I”m relaxed. I”m probably not even very good. But with a brush in my hand, I feel like myself, you know? Anyway, it”s a passion. You make me nervous, you know that? And don”t smile like the cat in the tree, because I don”t mean that kind of nervous, okay?More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin

The Notebook (Noah)

The Notebook (Allie)

Category: Movie Role: Allie From: The Notebook

ALLIE: I prayed for you to die. During the war. I really did, Noah. Well, not die. I would”ve felt terrible if you”d died. I just wanted you to kind of not be alive anymore. I couldn”t bear the thought of us never being together again, of your being with someone else, which is why I should go now, don”t you think? Oh, God, Noah, I am so confused. It may not seem like it, but I am. For seven years, no matter what I did, I couldn”t get you out of my mind, and then I met Lon, and he”s really great, and I told him I”d marry him. And I want to marry him, I really do, but then I saw your picture in the paper. And I knew I couldn”t marry him until I saw you again, because we never really finished things, not really. And now here I am, and all those adolescent feelings have come back, and I still love Lon, and I”d never break off our marriage. But, basically, all I want to do is crawl under a rock and stay there for the rest of the life. So, what do I do? Leave before I make a total mess of things, right? Or do I say the hell with everything and just stay here and enjoy whatever time we”ve got left? You tell me. What do I do?More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin

The Notebook (Noah)

The Notebook (Allie)

Category: Movie Role: Allie From: The Notebook

ALLIE: (Allie puts two fingers together) We”re like this, remember? Right? This isn”t a summer thing. Not for me, anyway. Oh, hell. Why wait until summer ends? Why not do it right now? Go ahead. No, I”ll do it. It”s over between us. You hear me, Noah Calhoun? Over. Don”t touch me. I hate you, you know that? I hate you! Just leave. Get out. Go.Noah walks away from the house, disappearing into the moonlight. Allie calls out after him.Wait a minute, Noah. We”re not really breaking up forever, right? This is just a thing we”re having, a difference of opinion, and tomorrow it”ll be like it never happened, right? Because it still was kind of a special night for me…More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin

Noah walks away from the house, disappearing into the moonlight. Allie calls out after him.Wait a minute, Noah. We”re not really breaking up forever, right? This is just a thing we”re having, a difference of opinion, and tomorrow it”ll be like it never happened, right? Because it still was kind of a special night for me…More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin

Wait a minute, Noah. We”re not really breaking up forever, right? This is just a thing we”re having, a difference of opinion, and tomorrow it”ll be like it never happened, right? Because it still was kind of a special night for me…More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin

The Notebook (Noah)

The Notebook (Allie)

Category: Movie Role: Allie From: The Notebook

ALLIE: Do you remember sneaking over here the first time you told me about this place? I got home late that evening, and my parents were furious when I finally came in. I can still picture my daddy standing in the living room, my mother on the sofa, staring straight ahead. I swear, they looked as if a family member had died. That was the first time my parents knew I was serious about you, and my mother had a long talk with me later that night. She said to me, “Sometimes, our future is dictated by who we are, not what we want.” And I know it was wrong of her to keep your letters from me, but just try to understand. Once we left, she probably thought it would be easier for me to just let go. In her mind, she was trying to protect my feelings, and she probably thought the best way to do that was to hide the letters you sent. Not that any of it matters, now that I have Lon. He”s handsome, charming, successful. He”s kind to me, he makes me laugh, and I know he loves me in his own special way… but there”s always going to be something missing in our relationship – the kind of love we had that summer.More Monologues from “The Notebook”RelatedShareTweetPin