Paper Moon (Trixie)

TRIXIE: Kiddo, I understand how you feel. But ya don”t have t” worry. One day you”ll be just as pretty as Madamazelle. Maybe prettier. You already got bone structure. I was your age, I didn”t have no bone structure. Took me years t”get bone structure, “n don”t think bone structure”s not important. Nobody called me madamazelle “til I was seventeen “n gettin” a Little bone structure. I was your age, I was skinnier than a pole. Never thought I”d have nothing up here. You”ll have “em up there, too. Tell y”what. You want me to show you how to use cosmetics? Look, I”ll let ya put on my earrings, you”ll see how pretty you”re gonna be. And I”ll show ya how t”make up your eyes and your lips, “n I”ll see to it you get a little bra or somethin”, but right now you”re gonna pick your little ass up and you”re gonna drop it in the back seat and you”re gonna cut out the crap, you understand?RelatedShareTweetPin