Full House (Jesse Ketsopolis)

Give me a break… Don’t “huh” me! You waltz in here 25 minutes late and expect sympathy? Huh!
I have CLEANED the house, and washed all of YOUR clothes, and ran a daycare center for socially deviant munchkins, and missed Oprah! Ran this one to a ballet lesson, this one to the dentist no cavities thank you very much! Do you realize that I have slaved over a hot stove so you could have a hot meal when you come home HAH HMM HMM HMM! Sorry! HAH! Sorry! Sorry does not change the fact that my chicken tetrezini is ruined! RUINED! It’s all dried out! But do you have the common courtesy to call me and tell me that you will be 25 minutes late? NO! Well, I am not an animal… Oh my God, what’s happening to me?