East Haddam (Julie)

Julie says

Okay. Settle down. The bell rang. Get in your seats. Okay so for homework last night

you had to read the rest of Romeo and Juliet. So. What do you think? Yes, Tim? … I

see. Does anyone agree with Tim’s stupid opinion? … No? Who else thinks

something? Corolla? … Interesting. I mean for me the question isn’t “Is it love or not?”

but “Does love even exist?” … Mackenzie … uh huh… uh huh. Right.. Yeah..

Okay… except what if that’s not love either? What if there is no such thing? I don’t care

if your grandparents spent their entire lives together. I mean, what else were they going

to do? Do any of us really have options? I mean Romeo and Juliet, right. They’re like

13. They can boink and call it love because who else is around? I mean how big is

Shakespeare’s Verona? And of course go for the guy who your parents hate. Because,

dangerous is exciting. And maybe sex and danger can feel like love. I get that. I do.

But don’t tell me love exists. What? Yeah, what is it, Tim? … No. You should stop

speaking up. Put your hand down. You kids don’t know anything.