7 Best East Haddam Monologues

Welcome to Opening Monologue, your ultimate source for East Haddam monologues! We've gathered the most popular ones for you right here.

East Haddam (Julie)

Category: Play Role: Julie From: East Haddam

Julie says

Hi. I’m Julie. This is my town. It’s the greatest . . . no. It’s the most . . . no. It’s . . . uh

. . . unique. You’ll see. It’s uniquely unique in its uniqueness. Which is not to say it is

all I want it to be. I could move away one day. To somewhere else. Somewhere flatter

or with more buildings. Somewhere with a bigger sky or closer to the ocean. I might do

that. I’ve been talking about it for years. But here I am still. And now you’re here too. I

don’t know. It has its charm. I meant to move away for college but instead I commuted

and then I got my own place and then I got a job here, so . . . I teach, um, I teach English

over at the high school. Mostly freshmen. It’s okay. I might not be good at it. No one

notices. Don’t tell. I’m looking for um . . . something. I’m not really sure. Love? Or

maybe just like one good verbal exchange every day. Is that weird? This town is pretty

weird. No, really. You’ll see. I hope you’ll be able to handle it. It might be . . . a little

tricky at first. But I’m glad you’re here. Don’t pity me for my little life. Please. You

don’t have everything. Do you? No. Do you? No. No one does.

East Haddam (Julie)

Category: Play Role: Julie From: East Haddam

Julie says

And now that Romeo and Juliet have died and Tybalt and some others, somehow this

causes them to lay their feud aside. Which of course makes no sense because forever

they’ve been blaming each other for every slight. Revenging and revenging and

revenging. And so why would anything change? Nothing ever changes. And now the

two they love most, Romeo, only son of the Montagues and Juliet, the Capulet’s daughter

are dead. They should just want to kill each other more. Killing is what they know.

Which is one more reason why Romeo and Juliet is a ridiculous play and I don’t know

why I have to teach it. In conclusion, love doesn’t exist and everything is terrible. Any

questions? … Shut up, Tim.

East Haddam (Julie)

Category: Play Role: Julie From: East Haddam

Julie says

Sam, I know you said not to call but I just feel bad and I miss you and I get it sort of but

also, you know I don’t get it at all. And you’ve always just kind of been there and now

you’re not and I don’t know what to do. So call me or. Or don’t. I don’t know. Tell me

you don’t hate me. Tell me you’ll be my friend again some day. Or. Okay. I’m sorry.

I’m doing exactly what you told me not to. I’ll text you. I’ll– okay.

East Haddam (Julie)

Category: Play Role: Julie From: East Haddam

Julie says

Okay. Settle down. The bell rang. Get in your seats. Okay so for homework last night

you had to read the rest of Romeo and Juliet. So. What do you think? Yes, Tim? … I

see. Does anyone agree with Tim’s stupid opinion? … No? Who else thinks

something? Corolla? … Interesting. I mean for me the question isn’t “Is it love or not?”

but “Does love even exist?” … Mackenzie … uh huh… uh huh. Right.. Yeah..

Okay… except what if that’s not love either? What if there is no such thing? I don’t care

if your grandparents spent their entire lives together. I mean, what else were they going

to do? Do any of us really have options? I mean Romeo and Juliet, right. They’re like

13. They can boink and call it love because who else is around? I mean how big is

Shakespeare’s Verona? And of course go for the guy who your parents hate. Because,

dangerous is exciting. And maybe sex and danger can feel like love. I get that. I do.

But don’t tell me love exists. What? Yeah, what is it, Tim? … No. You should stop

speaking up. Put your hand down. You kids don’t know anything.

East Haddam (Julie)

Category: Play Role: Julie From: East Haddam

Julie says

I mean I want to revise my previous thesis…. Maybe…. I mean maybe there is such a thing as love…. But not when you’re thirteen…. I don’t care what any of you kids say…. Stop it, Tim…. Enough…. I don’t want you to say anything for the rest of the year…. No one cares what you think…. Go back to writing reviews of the pep rallies that no one reads.

East Haddam (Sam)

Category: Play Role: Sam From: East Haddam

Sam says

This never should have happened. Sometimes I get lonely and I miss being touched and I

make stupid choices and then I drink and I make stupid choices. This is stupider than

usual. This is betrayal. I’m the worst. Literally. This never should have happened. Can

we pretend this never happened? You’ll never speak of it. I’ll never speak of it. If

anyone asks, I never saw your birthmark and I don’t know what your smell is like or what

noises you make during sex. Okay? It never happened?

East Haddam (Sam)

Category: Play Role: Sam From: East Haddam

Sam says

How to be alone. It’s really not that hard. You just don’t date anyone. And that makes it

easier to not accidentally get into a relationship which makes it easier to not move in with

anyone or marry them. I eat a lot of soup. I recommend that. I mean really you can

dress however you want. Shower or don’t. I used to go to the gym but I don’t do that

any more. Some days I only eat cookies. I like to read a lot. And watch a lot of TV.

And sometimes I drink tea. But you should do you. I mean that’s what it’s all about,

really. Being the person you want to be without caring about what other people think. I

have a job. I go to work. And I do my work and then I go home and then I do whatever I

want. So, really I’ve got it made.

Loneliness? Yeah. I mean. Sure. That can happen sometimes. I recommend alcohol. I

mean I guess I don’t recommend it, but I use it. What else? I have friends. I usually

shower before seeing them but it’s optional.

Also what you can do is pine after someone completely unattainable. I do that. I have

done that. I mean basically for years I’ve been doing that. What else? Did I mention

reading? I like YA Science Fiction and Fantasy but again, you do you.

Now I’m going to do a dance with a unicorn.

(A UNICORN enters. Music. SAM and the UNICORN dance. Then the dance is over.

The UNICORN exits. SAM turns to the audience.)

Any questions?